The Amherst Student issue from April 25th, 1968
“Faculty Abolishes Saturday Classes; C.E.P. to Appoint Committee on Race,” “Marx-Mudge-Denig Continues to Meet”
Written by David Corcoran ’69.
“President Plimpton announced Tuesday that an all-college committee would be formed to deal with the question of race relations at Amherst.”
The Amherst Student issue from May 2nd, 1968
“Plimpton Appoints Twelve Members to Committee on Race”
Written by Terry Andrews ’71.
“President Plimpton has appointed six professors and six students to form a committee [Black and White Action Committee] on the problem of the ‘disadvantaged in our society,’ especially ‘blacks victimized by history and racism.’ The committee… includes Dean of the Faculty Prosser Gifford and professors James Denton, Benjamin DeMott, Hugh Hawkins, Leo Marx, and Edwin Rozwenc. Students on the committee are Dennis Aftergut ’69, David Altschul ’69, Fred Baron ’69, Harold Dash ’70, Adrian Johnson ’68, and Harold Wade ’68.”
The Amherst Student issue from May 6th, 1968
“‘Action’ Committee Considers Solutions
to ‘Racial Crisis'”
“The Black and White Action Committee… will hold an open meeting at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, May 12 in Converse Assembly room. The meeting is designed as a forum for all who wish to suggest immediate improvements at Amherst in regard to the ‘racial crisis.’ Last Friday… the faculty-student coalition elected Professor Hugh Hawkins of the American Studies department and Harold Wade ’68, co-chairmen…”
The Amherst Student issue from May 9th, 1968
“Mudge to List Priorities For Black-White Committee”
Written by Rick Goggans ’71.
“…Prof. Lewis Mudge announced plans to present a list of immediate priorities concerning Black students and student life at Amherst to the Black and White Action Committee… The reorganization, as proposed by the Ad Hoc Steering Committee, calls for dividing present membership into two interest groups, those persons who prefer to work with issues directly pertinent to Black people [Committee on Amherst and Black America], and those persons concerned with issues as teaching format, grades, co-education, which pertain more indirectly to Blacks [Committee for Growth].”
The Amherst Student issue from May 16th, 1968
“Black-White Action Committee Weighs Ad Hoc Group Reports”
Written by Alan M. Webber ’70.
“The Black and White Action Committee… held its first open meeting Sunday night in Converse Auditorium… It was called to provide the opportunity for testimony by the various sub-committees of the Marx-Mudge-Denig Committees before the newly appointed group, and to consider possible changes that might be instituted at Amherst next year.”
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