The Amherst Student issue from October 13th, 1969
“Oct. Symposium Planned On Third World Politics”
“A symposium that will bring a wide range of speakers, including a Black Panther representative to the Amherst COllege campus in the next two weeks opens Thursday…”
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Photo credit Amherst College Olio
The Amherst Student issue from October 20th, 1969
“Clubs Sponsor Symposium On Third World”
“The Third World Outlook, a symposium offered by the International Club and the Afro-American Society, is a series of lectures designed to offer Amherst students a concrete conception of what is implied by the present liberation movement in Africa and Asia as well as the colonization trend of black Americans.”
“The Third World”
“For Amherst students who complain that the blacks all sit together in the dining room, who lament their inability to understand black protest, who wonder at the need for a Black Studies department, it might be well to participate in this opportunity to learn of the Third World and its politics. To pass up such an opportunity in education both of sense and sensibility is inexcusable.”
The Amherst Student issue from October 23rd, 1969
“Third World Speakers View Race in U.S., World Affairs”
Written by Craig Blockwick.
“The Third World has assumed a vital importance for the United States in terms of both domestic and foreign affairs, for in the development of these large blocs of neutral, independent countries, the basic political and economic assumptions that have dominated recent history are being seriously challenged.” Read second part here.
“SDS, Black Panther Spokesmen Preach American Revolution”
Written by Tom Libby.
“Approximately 300 students and faculty from the four college community heard Dave Matthews of the Cornell S.D.S. and Gene Jones of The Black Panther Party present the platforms of their two respective organizations.”
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Photo credit Amherst College Olio